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Ceremony Planning Made Simple

Ceremony Planning Made Simple

So much designing and planning goes into creating the perfect wedding reception that it’s easy to overlook the most important part—your ceremony! Avoid wedding-day disappointment by getting started on your ceremony plans now. Here are some tips from the pros at Wedgewood:

  • Pick your music. For most ceremonies, we suggest choosing three songs: one for the wedding party, one for the bride and one for the recessional (the song played at the end of the ceremony). This approach also works for same sex couples planning to walk down the aisle together, though couples planning to walk down the aisle individually may prefer to add a fourth song.


  • Choose your minister – If you haven’t selected a minister yet, consider adding one to your Wedgewood package. Every Wedgewood venue works with an experienced, local, nondenominational minister who can help design your ceremony and provide suggestions for your readings and vows.


  • Ask your readers – If you plan to have poems or passages read by any of your wedding guests, make sure to ask them in advance and give them a copy of the reading so they can practice. This is a great way to honor friends or family members who are not a part of your wedding party.


  • Write your own vows - While this isn't right for every couple, it is a great way to add a personal touch to your ceremony. You can work together as a couple to write the same vows to say to each other or make them completely personal. 


  • Add a bonding or unity ceremony – Bonding ceremonies are meaningful ways of illustrating how two lives are being joined together. These ceremonies can take many forms, including wine pouring, tree planting, and—most popularly—unity candles and sand pouring. For some beautiful examples of unity candles and sand pouring sets, visit

*revised on 6/8/18

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