The Benefits Of Doing A First Look
By now, you've probably heard of the superstition that it's bad luck for couples to see each other on their wedding day. However, the "first look"...
Your wedding is almost here! You're probably excited, nervous, and a bit overwhelmed... to sum it up, you're just feeling all of the feelings right now, and that's completely normal! A wedding is a beautiful ceremony for couples to vow their love and commitment to each other. With so much anticipation, we can get very excited and overwhelmed the nearer our wedding date comes. And it's a valid feeling, considering that you and your partner will enter a new chapter.
As your wedding vision board comes to life, there will be instances when you feel anxious. You might be worried about certain details or guests who will witness your wedding. Do not fret – it’s normal for people to feel this way during preparation. After all, it’s a huge milestone to be wedded to the love of your life. So wedding jitters are normal and valid. However, these feelings can get pretty uncomfortable – anxiety can be stressful and frustrating. So here are suggestions to curb your wedding jitters and calm your nerves while preparing for the wedding.
Wedding jitters might cause you to neglect your diet because of the “butterflies in your stomach.” You might feel like you’ve lost your appetite every time, but being unable to eat well might worsen your anxiety. So remember to nourish yourself. Eat, or at least nibble on, something for strength and energy, especially since you’ll need lots of them as you power through your days. Recharge yourself with nutritious food and drink lots of water.
Irregular sleep patterns are common for people experiencing wedding nerves, including you. You might either lose some sleep or sleep more than usual. Fix your sleep hygiene by sleeping from 7-9 hours daily and set a regular schedule for your sleep. Remove any distractions that might cause you to get anxious before sleeping, such as your phone. Create a nighttime self-care routine to calm your nerves before calling it a day.
Exercising can give you happy hormones after each session, and even a simple workout can do the trick. You can try out these easy 15-minute workouts for your body to feel the dopamine flow inside you and release your anxiety. Exercising can also help you get in shape for your upcoming wedding day, so why not kill two birds with one stone, right?
Another good practice for self-care is to show yourself some love through words. Words can deeply affect how we feel at the moment. So look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself some of the following affirmations:
Statements like this can help you condition your brain to feel what you're saying. Show yourself some kindness through positive self-talk. After all, we have the power to change our outlook and perspective on things that stress us out. So speak some self-love into your heart and know how to comfort yourself.
A lot's coming up, and you might feel overwhelmed by the many tasks that you need to do. Sometimes, you might want to stop working when it happens. To prevent that, write down your checklist of tasks for the day according to their schedule and focus on each task as they come. Toss out any distracting thoughts. And learn to celebrate your “small” wins as you accomplish each task. Be proud of yourself for your achievements since preparing for a wedding is a huge task. Your moment at the altar is almost here, and it's going to be totally worth it!
If you're feeling all of the feelings once again and need a break, go and do just that! If ever those feelings rise up, try to disconnect. Do some yoga or meditate for a while.
You can also try breathing exercises to help calm your nerves. Experts suggest the box technique wherein you breathe in for four counts, hold it for four, then breathe out for a count of four before holding your lungs empty for four. Repeat the cycle until you finally calm down.
Distract yourself for a short while through stress-relieving activities before coming back. Dance, create art, write in your journal, or do any other healthy outlet that can help release the jitters. Remember that everything will be okay and that these feelings are temporary.
Asking for help can be in the form of a wedding planner to make your life easier during the preparation. A wedding planner can take so much off your plate, so you have more time for yourself and other things.
It can come from asking your married friends or family members for advice. Find out what they did to calm their own nerves. Or you can even seek help from a therapist or psychologist; consulting a mental health expert for advice, someone who is an inactive third party to your wedding, can do wonders. You can also consider talking to your rabbi, minister, or priest as well if you feel more comfortable talking to them about your anxiety.
And most of all, remember that you can discuss this with your partner, your number one support. Know that your partner is your safe space. Plan together on what to do whenever you have the jitters, and talk about what makes you anxious and address those together. You will be together for a long time, and this phase can help strengthen your relationship. So lean on your partner and know that they’re on your side.
In addition to seeking help from people you trust, remember that you can rely on people who respect your relationship and bring you positive vibes as you prepare for your wedding. Spend some time with them as you realize that you have a strong support system that you can always count on. Protect your relationship from those who constantly criticize or give you unwanted stress. You and your partner can also try going to relationship workshops or joining support groups to help you realize that you’re not alone.
Allot some time for you and your partner to do activities together without worrying about the wedding. You can even enjoy taking some time off with a mini-moon or pre-wedding honeymoon. Bond with each other and enjoy your moments as a couple. Allow yourselves to keep your mind off the things that cause your anxiety.
You can also take time for yourself to de-stress. Pamper yourself or hang out with your friends. Enjoy some “me time.” These can help take your mind off all the pressure from the preparation and relax for a while.
Allow yourself a moment to reminisce about all the good memories with your partner. Remember the reasons why you adore your partner, the excitement from the thought of spending your lives together, the undying love you have for each other, and all the other positive reasons why you both want to be married. Marriage is a celebration of love and unity. It’s a beautiful milestone that you and your partner will partake in. So indulge yourselves in the things you have bonded over and remind each other of the strength of your partnership.
Your wedding is both a happy ending and a beautiful beginning of your life together. The joy can get pretty overwhelming, especially when combined with the pressure and anxiety from getting ready for your big day. Always remember that it’s okay to feel that way. As long as you remember your commitment to one another, everything will be fine. Learn to protect your energy from things and people that might drain you. Go ahead and say "Bye, Felicia" to anyone that is zapping your spirit. And as much as possible, try not to attend to everything that you think merits attention. Choose how to spend your energy wisely.
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As you exchange vows and say your 'I Dos,' remember to continue strengthening your relationship and show your love for them every day. Marriage entails hard work, so make sure that you choose each other every day, no matter how tough things can be.
We wish you all the best for your upcoming wedding. Have a blast celebrating your beautiful day!
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