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Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood

Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood

Life's stresses can impact everyone's mood and outlook. Let's make sure we get through tough times together with positivity and joy. Today, we're sharing some quick tips to boost your happiness during stressful periods. The best part? These apply anytime!

Find a routine

One of the most important things you can do to feel in control when things get tricky is creating a routine. When life feels chaotic, a schedule brings comfort.

  • Set a time to get up and do it!
  • Shower & get dressed
  • Schedule time for lunch and breaks throughout the day and put it on your calendar
  • Make a list of what you need to accomplish - and check things off as you go!
  • Focus on one task at a time and make sure that they are things within your control
  • When you are done working, shut your laptop and put it away


Make Room in YouR Life For Positivity

It's critical to find things that make us smile when stresses mount:

  • Listen to music - try an Instagram live DJ set!
  • Burn a candle or aromatherapy if you have oils at home
  • Stay active - challenge a friend and find out how many pushups you can do in 30 seconds 
  • Eat healthy
  • Go outside - standing in the sunshine for 2 minutes can make a world of difference.
  • Don’t drink too much caffeine or alcohol
  • Take breaks from the news
  • Schedule time to do something you enjoy

Prioritize sleep

A good night's sleep is an easy thing to disrupt but it's priceless!

  • Go to sleep at the same time every night
  • Write out your “to do” list or your worries before bed
  • Avoid using your phone or computer in bed
  • Try a guided sleep meditation

Stay connected to each other

It's easy to feel isolated when stressed. Strengthen relationships:

  • Schedule time to call at least one of your friends or teammates each day
  • Use Zoom, Hangouts and Facetime to stay connected - seeing faces is important
  • Laugh together - every conversation should help you strengthen the bridge you have.
  • Make time to share something funny and look on the light side

Ask for help

There is nothing weak about asking for help! Be upfront and open.

  • Tell your friends and family if you are feeling down
  • CDC website has many free resources at:
  • Insurance carriers have 24/7 nurse lines



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