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Behind the Scenes: Crafting Memorable Wedding Experiences

Written by Lindsey Byron | Jan 5, 2020 7:15:00 PM

As wedding bells chime and love fills the air, an unseen crew orchestrates the entire celebration behind the scenes. Starting with a sales and event expert, far more takes place than expected. Often, couples start their journey a year or more in advance, and a skilled wedding expert is there to guide them every step of the way. Drawing from years of experience, I invite you to step into a world where every detail matters and every moment is carefully created. 

It starts before a couple walks through the door. I prepare, with the small amount of information I know, the prospective couple's first and last name, desired date, approximate budget, and guest count. I get excited and ready to show them why booking the venue is in their best interest. Creating a happy, ecstatic atmosphere is my priority when the couple arrives. While this may be the couple's first time visiting a wedding venue, I have done this a million times. My role is to establish a welcoming, inclusive, and judgment-free environment, setting the stage for a warm and positive meeting. In a world where weddings are as diverse as the couples themselves, embracing this diversity fosters an atmosphere of acceptance and joy. 


I vividly remember working with a couple eager to infuse cultural traditions and elements into their wedding day celebration, something our team needed to gain more experience with. Instead of dismissing their requests, I leaned in to understand why those specific customs meant so much to them. Through thoughtful conversations, I got a deeper appreciation for the significance behind their asks. From there, we worked hand-in-hand to craft a timeline and game plan that honored their traditions while ensuring a smooth execution that the banquet team felt prepared to carry out. The result was a beautifully unique event that felt authentic to the couple's background and love story.

Customization is key when it comes to the wedding proposal. Every couple's love story is unique, and I make sure to capture that in the details. Building rapport and connecting personally is the essence of gaining a couple's trust when making such a large purchase. Whether it is décor, food, or anything in between, I ensure every element reflects the couple and their wishes. I stay on top of the latest trends but never lose sight of their budget and priorities. Listening to the couple's wants and needs is critical, but providing expert opinions helps build trust and a bond with them. I have navigated this process many times while they may be experiencing it for the first time. 


Amidst the grandeur and glamor, the practicality of budget can loom large. My role as a trusted advisor plays a crucial part during the budget discussion. With a wealth of knowledge and resources, I guide my clients to a date, season, or package that fits their budget while ensuring their wedding dreams come true. The highest package tier might fit one couple's vision and budget, but sticking with the low to mid tier may be the better fit for another. 

One couple came to me with their hearts set on a prime September Saturday for their wedding date. However, their budget didn't align with the premium pricing for the coveted time slot. Rather than simply turning them away, I listened closely to all the details they envisioned for their big day. I then crafted two proposals: one for their ideal date showing the estimated costs and another for a Saturday one month earlier with a significantly lower price tag. Presenting them with the side-by-side options allowed the couple to see that by shifting their date slightly, they could still have their ideal wedding celebration at a price point they were comfortable with. There were smiles all around when they decided to move forward with the earlier date. The flexible, solutions-oriented approach made their vision a reality without compromises or hurdles. They knew I truly had their best interests in mind. 


Being a brilliant wedding planner isn't just about planning events but creating memorable moments that last a lifetime. By embracing inclusivity, empathy, active listening, and creativity, I've had the honor of crafting wedding experiences that are as unique and beautiful as the love stories they celebrate. 

Article by Lindsey Byron, Wedding Planning Expert in Colorado.