Traditional Wedding Party Roles - Explained
You've heard of 'the wedding party' but, how formal are all the roles and do you need to fill each one? Today, we'll explain the reason for each role...
1 min read
Wedgewood Weddings & Events
Jun 25, 2019 5:12:22 PM
It is great to have someone there to help you with your wedding plans, especially when your maid of honor is asking for a list of to-do’s! See our list of most beneficial tasks for your Maid of Honor!
□ Go shopping with you for your wedding dress
□ Let your friends and family know where you’re registered for wedding gifts
□ Moral support – this is so very important! A great Maid of Honor will get you through challenges and celebrate successes!
maid of honor and bridesmaids
□ Offer to help you with your pre-wedding to-do list items
□ Your Maid-of-Honor will coordinate your bachelorette party with the bridesmaids
□ Coordinating the bridesmaids and their duties
□ Hold your bouquet as you say “I do”
□ Help you with your dress and check for details
□ Help you hot glue those little diamonds to your centerpieces or make those Michael’s trips for your DIY projects
□ Make the toast to you and your hubby as newlyweds!
With decades in the business and an amazing team of incredible wedding planners, get tried and tested help to create an event experience that suits you!
You've heard of 'the wedding party' but, how formal are all the roles and do you need to fill each one? Today, we'll explain the reason for each role...
It is great to have someone there to help you with your wedding plans, especially when your bridesmaids are your cheerleaders and support squad! See...
We’re sure you don’t need us to tell you that there are a million decisions to make and details to arrange for your wedding day…because you’re...
It is great to have your best man there to help you with your wedding plans, especially when it is someone close to you! See our list of most...
It is great to have your groomsmen here to help you with your wedding plans, especially when you need their support on your special day! See our list...
As a maid of honor, you play a crucial role in supporting the happy couple and contributing to a joyous, well-coordinated wedding celebration. Your...